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Where Flavor Meets Nature: Top 3 Food and View Hunting in Punclut, Bandung

1. Dago Bakery

It is the perfect place to experience heavenly mealtime with a castle set scene. With only Rp 15.000 per person above 2 years old, you'll get a voucher of the same amount for goods sold inside. Invite more people to gain more advantageous vouchers. Enjoy the extraordinary pizza with six different flavors, dozens of Indonesian or Western main meals, and various beverages. Do not miss the breathtaking panoramic view of hills and valley and the Disney-like colorful lamplights surrounding the castle.

2. Tafso Barn

This one is an extraordinary café with thematic concept. The theme of this cafe is rustic with in and outdoor parts. It serves local and western foods, varying from Rp 5.000 to Rp. 80.000. This is a perfects cafe to enjoy your meals and relax with fresh air and beautiful scenery. The café is also completed with playground and mini gold. There is a big, white bird cage with round table inside. Do not forget to enjoy the city lights in Bandung.

3. RM Sangkan Hurip

Craving for Sundanese meals? This place is one choice you shouldn't miss. Has been built for over 30 years, the restaurant stands strong with its exclusive and unique character. Rich traditional atmosphere here would allow you to the magnificent scenery and Bandung along with its strong flavors. Going at night is highly recommended for any couples, friends, families who would like to witness the amazing sparkles of city lights.

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